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Hugo & Nebula Winning Novels

The following is a list of the novels that have won the Hugo and Nebula awards. Those with a link on the title have been reviewed already, the rest I (or someone else) will get around to eventually. The link on an author's name will take you to a page devoted to their career. During the first few years of this site I had made the statement several times that I would only be doing reviews for books, movies and TV shows that I liked, I didn't have the time to waste on things I couldn't recommend to others. Even though I take SF and Fantasy seriously, this site is a hobby for me, no one pays me to read books and watch movies. I don't have the time or the funds to consume all of the media other people might find interesting. However, now that I have set the task of reviewing all of these novels, there will probably be a few of them that I don't care for. I'll still review them. For now I'm not sure in what order I'll do the other reviews, it may be totally random. It will certainly help that quite a few are winners of both, and it is interesting to note that the '70s to the mid-'80s showed a remarkable consensus in what both readers and writers felt was the best work being done, then there was a big gap of over ten years before that happened again. I have already read quite a few of these titles, but it has been many years for a lot of them. Please note that the year in the Hugo column is when the award was presented, all books were actually published in the year preceding the award. Nebulas are dated by the year of eligibility.


Hugo Winners



Nebula Winners


1953: The Demolished Man - Alfred Bester


1955: The Forever Machine - Mark Clifton & Frank Riley


1956: Double Star - Robert A. Heinlein


1958: The Big Time - Fritz Leiber


1959: A Case of Conscience - James Blish


1960: Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein


1961: A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller, Jr.


1962: Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein


1963: The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick


1964: Way Station - Clifford D. Simak


1965: The Wanderer - Fritz Leiber


1966: (TIE) Dune - Frank Herbert
                 This Immortal - Roger Zelazny

1965: Dune

1967: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert A. Heinlein

1966: (TIE) Babel-17 - Samuel R. Delany
                 Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes

1968: Lord of Light - Roger Zelazny

1967: The Einstein Intersection - Samuel R. Delany

1969: Stand on Zanzibar - John Brunner

1968: Rite of Passage - Alexei Panshin

1970: The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin

1969: The Left Hand of Darkness

1971: Ringworld - Larry Niven

1970: Ringworld

1972: To Your Scattered Bodies Go - Philip José Farmer

1971: A Time of Changes - Robert Silverberg

1973: The Gods Themselves - Isaac Asimov

1972: The Gods Themselves

1974: Rendezvous With Rama - Arthur C. Clarke

1973: Rendezvous With Rama

1975: The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin

1974: The Dispossessed

1976: The Forever War - Joe Haldeman

1975: The Forever War

1977: Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang - Kate Wilhelm

1976: Man Plus - Frederik Pohl

1978: Gateway - Frederik Pohl

1977: Gateway

1979: Dreamsnake - Vonda N. McIntyre

1978: Dreamsnake

1980: The Fountains of Paradise - Arthur C. Clarke

1979: The Fountains of Paradise

1981: The Snow Queen - Joan Vinge

1980: Timescape - Gregory Benford

1982: Downbelow Station - C. J. Cherryh

1981: The Claw of the Conciliator - Gene Wolfe

1983: Foundation's Edge - Isaac Asimov

1982: No Enemy But Time - Michael Bishop

1984: Startide Rising - David Brin

1983: Startide Rising

1985: Neuromancer - William Gibson

1984: Neuromancer

1986: Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

1985: Ender's Game

1987: Speaker for the Dead - Orson Scott Card

1986: Speaker for the Dead

1988: The Uplift War - David Brin

1987: The Falling Woman - Pat Murphy

1989: Cyteen - C. J. Cherryh

1988: Falling Free - Lois McMaster Bujold

1990: Hyperion - Dan Simmons

1989: The Healer's War - Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

1991: The Vor Game - Lois McMaster Bujold

1990: Tehanu - Ursula K. Le Guin

1992: Barrayar - Lois McMaster Bujold

1991: Stations of the Tide - Michael Swanwick

1993: (TIE) A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernor Vinge
            Doomsday Book - Connie Willis (reviewed by Galen)

1992: Doomsday Book (reviewed by ekt)

1994: Green Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson

1993: Red Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson

1995: Mirror Dance - Lois McMaster Bujold

1994: Moving Mars - Greg Bear

1996: The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson

1995: The Terminal Experiment - Robert J. Sawyer

1997: Blue Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson

1996: Slow River - Nicola Griffith

1998: Forever Peace - Joe Haldeman

1997: The Moon and the Sun - Vonda N. McIntyre

1999: To Say Nothing of the Dog - Connie Willis

1998: Forever Peace - Joe Haldeman

2000: A Deepness in the Sky - Vernor Vinge

1999: Parable of the Talents - Octavia E. Butler

2001: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J. K. Rowling

2000: Darwin's Radio - Greg Bear

2002: American Gods - Neil Gaiman

2001: The Quantum Rose - Catherine Asaro

2003: Hominids - Robert J. Sawyer (reviewed by Galen)
Also reviewed by SFExplorer

2002: American Gods - Neil Gaiman

2004: Paladin of Souls - Lois McMaster Bujold

2003: The Speed of Dark - Elizabeth Moon

2005: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Susanna Clarke

2004: Paladin of Souls - Lois McMaster Bujold

2006: Spin - Robert Charles Wilson

2005: Camouflage - Joe Haldeman

2007: Rainbows End - Vernor Vinge

2006: Seeker - Jack McDevitt

2008: The Yiddish Policeman's Union - Michael Chabon

2007: The Yiddish Policeman's Union

2009 - The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman

2008: Powers - Ursula K. Le Guin

2010: (TIE) The Windup Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi
                 The City and the City - China Miéville

2009: The Windup Girl

2011: Blackout/All Clear - Connie Willis


2010: Blackout/All Clear


2012: Among Others - Jo Walton


2011: Among Others


2013: Redshirts - John Scalzi


2012: 2312 - Kim Stanley Robinson


2014: Ancillary Justice - Ann Leckie


2013: Ancillary Justice


2015: The Three Body Problem - Cixin Liu


2014: Annihilation - Jeff VanderMeer


2016: The Fifth Season - N. K. Jemisin


2015: Uprooted - Naomi Novik


2017: The Obelisk Gate - N. K. Jemisin


2016: All the Birds in the Sky - Charlie Jane Anders


2018: The Stone Sky - N. K. Jemisin


2017: The Stone Sky


2019: The Calculating Stars - Mary Robinette Kowal


2018: The Calculating Stars


2020: A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine


2019: A Song for a New Day - Sarah Pinsker


2021: Network Effect - Martha Wells


2020: Network Effect


2022: A Desolation Called Peace - Arkady Martine

2021: A Master of Djinn - P. Djèlí Clark

2023: Nettle & Bone - T. Kingfisher

2022: Babel - R. F. Kuang


2023: The Saint of Bright Doors - Vajra Chandrasekera

Retro Hugos



1946 (awarded in 1996): The Mule - Isaac Asimov (previously reviewed as part of the Foundation Trilogy


1951 (awarded in 2001): Farmer in the Sky - Robert A. Heinlein


1954 (awarded in 2004): Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury


1939 (awarded in 2014): The Sword in the Stone - T. H. White



1941 (awarded in 2016): Slan - A. E. van Vogt



1943 (awarded in 2018): Beyond This Horizon - Robert A. Heinlein



1944 (awarded in 2019): Conjure Wife - Fritz Leiber


1945 (awarded in 2020): Shadow Over Mars - Leigh Brackett


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