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Damon Knight

SFWA Grand Masters

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America presented the first Grand Master Award in 1975, then in 2002 it was officially renamed the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award in honor of the organization's founder. It is essentially a Lifetime Achievement award selected by peer review. Originally limited to six times each decade, and that did apply for the first two decades, but since the award is for living authors only, a lot of the membership argued that too many worthy writers missed out on the opportunity. I mean, can you believe that neither Theodore Sturgeon or Roger Zelazny are Grand Masters? Neither are Philip K. Dick or Frank Herbert. Alfred Bester just barely made it under the wire, with the award being presented posthumously since he had passed away a couple of months after the announcement was made. The rules were amended, and since 1995 there have been only two years in which no award was given. It is not officially a Nebula Award, but it is presented at the Nebula Awards ceremony each year. The following is a list of all recipients, with the year being when it was presented, although in a lot of cases the announcement was made in the previous year. Links on names will take you to other pages devoted to their work.



1975 - Robert A. Heinlein

2004 - Robert Silverberg

1976 - Jack Williamson

2005 - Anne McCaffrey

1977 - Clifford D. Simak

2006 - Harlan Ellison

1979 - L. Sprague de Camp

2007 - James Gunn

1981 - Fritz Leiber

2008 - Michael Moorcock

1984 - Andre Norton

2009 - Harry Harrison

1986 - Arthur C. Clarke

2010 - Joe Haldeman

1987 - Isaac Asimov

2012 - Connie Willis

1988 - Alfred Bester

2013 - Gene Wolfe

1989 - Ray Bradbury

2014 - Samuel R. Delany

1991 - Lester del Rey

2015 - Larry Niven

1993 - Frederik Pohl

2016 - C. J. Cherryh

1995 - Damon Knight

2017 - Jane Yolen

1996 - A. E. van Vogt

2018 - Peter S. Beagle

1997 - Jack Vance

2019 - William Gibson

1998 - Poul Anderson

2020 - Lois McMaster Bujold

1999 - Hal Clement

2021 - Nalo Hopkinson

2000 - Brian W. Aldiss

2022 - Mercedes Lackey

2001 - Philip José Farmer

2023 - Robin McKinley

2003 - Ursula K. Le Guin

2024 - Susan Cooper


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